Articles - Daniel Ross & Associates
Can I Trademark a Product Name?

Can I Trademark a Product Name? Absolutely! Many people ask this question as they think they are limited to trademarking just the overall company brand name. However, as long as you're using a brand to promote a product or service, then that product or service brand...

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How Do I Add Value to My Business?

How Do I Add Value to My Business? Whether you’re preparing to sell your business, attempting to attract an investor, or want to qualify for a higher business loan, you want to do everything you can to add value to your business to put yourself in the best position...

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Can I Trademark My Name?

Can I Trademark My Name? Can I Trademark My Name? There is no problem in trying to trademark your name. You just have to be careful that you are abiding by the rules of trademark law. Trademark law is class-specific - you can only protect a trademark in the...

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Someone is Using My Trademark

Someone is Using My Trademark What Do I Do If Someone is Using My Mark? The first thing you should do is research that business - see exactly when they began using their mark and how it lines up with your first use. Because trademark law is chronological, whoever used...

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State vs. Federal Trademarks

State vs. Federal Trademarks What is the Difference Between a State and a Federal Trademark? A state trademark will only offer protection in the state in which you register, whereas a federal trademark will protect the mark nationwide, as well as confer some...

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