4 Things You Need to Know Before Getting a Trademark - Daniel Ross & Associates

1. Conflict Search

A conflict search will help you identify potential conflicts with prior registrants and prior applicants that are in similar industries and use similar names or logos that might present a likelihood of confusion.

Once you’ve identified your mark that has low risk, we can help you apply for trademark registration. The application process takes about six to eight months.

2. Bundles of Rights

We provide full representation, which includes all United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) correspondence and examiners correspondence.

At the end of the process, you will hopefully be granted a registration. This registration will allow you to have certain bundles of rights as well as responsibilities that you’ll need to pay attention to post-registration.

3-4. Trademark Rights and Responsibilities

One of those rights in that bundle is the right to sell, license, or white label to third parties who may want to use the trademark for their own purposes because of brand recognition, goodwill, or something else, usually in the form of compensation to you.

One of the responsibilities that you have is to police your mark and make sure that there are no unpermitted infringing uses of it. If that is the case, we can help you with cease and desist letters and potentially engage in litigation if it gets to that point. But in any case, we can help you protect your mark.

Learn More About Trademarks with Daniel Ross

If you are interested in learning more about what it takes to have your property trademarked, our team is here to help you throughout the entire process to make sure you have everything in order to get registered.

Contact us today with any questions or to set up an appointment. You can also learn more about our services by browsing the rest of our website!

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